If selected for a grant by California Water Service, then after completing your project, please submit your follow-up materials below. Grantee Information Grant ID Number Your grant ID number should have been emailed to you after your grant proposal was accepted. If you are having trouble locating your ID number, please contact us at calwaterchallenge@gmail.com. Teacher Email Teacher Teacher Name - Last Project Follow-Up Teacher Reflection Please write a reflection on your classroom project (150-500 words). Include the following: Describe the project goal(s) and overall effects. What were some of the challenges and successes? What were the educational benefits for the students? Student Quotes Please provide a few short quotes from students that worked on the projects (150-500 words). A few options for quote topics include, but are not limited to: What were the major accomplishments of your project? How has your thinking changed about water conservation What did you learn that you think others should know? What personal actions will you change or take as a result of your classroom project? Media Project Photos Please upload 3-5 project photos.These photos may include photos of the project and/or teacher leading the project, but should not include students or student faces.We ask that students are omitted in order to better protect their privacy.Maximum 5 files.10 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, jpeg. Upload Photos