Tap Into Learning (formerly known as the Cal Water H2O Challenge) began in the fall of 2014. The program launched with the Classroom Challenge, a classroom project-based learning competition, which ran for nine years. Since then Cal Water has hosted a number of programs, including Aqua Adventures (a field experience program), A Splash of Creativity (a media competition), Water Smart Grants, and H2Oath (a pledging program). We at Cal Water are proud to offer these programs to our service areas and look forward to the years ahead and seeing all the wonderful work from classrooms and students across the state of California.
Behind this program we have a truly invaluable network of team members and partners that work year round to make Tap Into Learning the program that it is; ensuring that it promotes strong education around E-STEM principles, caring for water, and the notion of water as a local and global resource, guaranteeing that the program aligns with state and federal curriculum guidelines, working to ease barriers to program implementation within schools, and offering support to teachers and students that wish to participate. With that network in mind, we are honored to introduce our team.

Ken Jenkins
Vice President, Water Resource Planning & Sustainability