Welcome to the second year of Aqua Adventures through Cal Water's Tap Into Learning!
Aqua Adventures is an environmentally-focused offering for classrooms, grades 4-6. Brought to you in conjunction with DoGoodery and Cal Water, this program offers free water and nature-based field trips for upper elementary classrooms in Cal Water service areas. Teachers simply enter their classroom online for a chance at one of twelve annual field trips.
We are honored and privileged to offer this experience to fourth-sixth grade classrooms in a Cal Water service area. Thank you for your interest in Aqua Adventures. We hope that you will consider joining us on this adventure.

The Class Trip
Aqua Adventures is divided into four regions with three trips offered per region per year for twelve annual field trips. Selected classrooms will benefit from a prepaid water and/or nature-based field experience to a location within their region. These trips are FREE single-day experiences with all expenses (travel, site, lunch) included. The dates of each field trip are dependent upon the corresponding site.
This year's field trip offerings include daytrips to California Academy of Sciences, Scout Island, and Cabrillo Marine Aquarium.

Eligible classrooms must be:
- Grades 4, 5, and/or 6
- Entered by their teacher
- Based in a Cal Water service area - Check for Your School!